SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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The files KAOSDESK.PRG and KAOSDESK.RSC have had all German text
translated to English. Where possible, it has been verified by
operation that the commands, dialogs, and alerts match the
translation. In the event that such could not be easily verified,
the most direct translation has been retained, even if the result
is awkward.
As an example, if you run across the phrase "BOOTSECTOR FEASIBLE",
you will know what I am speaking of. Although suspected "BOOTSECTOR
VALID" would likely be correct, I was unable to make this phrase
appear in any dialog or error message. It is however, in the program,
and may make itself known to you.
Also, in some instances, space limitations prevented the use of a
direct translation. In the 'Set Preferences' box, the buttons
translated as 'Yes', and 'No'. However, the code only provided two
character spaces for the German word 'Ja', and attempting to
lengthen this yielded some strange results. So, 'On' and 'Off' were
substituted, and seem to convey the correct meaning without being
too awkward.
In other instances, the German word(s) used were so much shorter than
the English equivalent that the phrase had to be abbreviated. (i.e.,
"Unknown application" would not fit, so it became "Unknown applica."
"Destination" in one case became "Dest." and "Source" in one case;
"Sourc", "Archive"; "Archiv", etc..
All rights to the program and associated files remain with the original
author. The author of the program should not be expected to assume any
responsibilities that relate the correctness (or any lack thereof) of
the text in this translated version.
If you should find any obvious errors in the text of the program, please
record the exact phrase, the type (menu item, dialog, error message), how
you caused it to appear, and what you believe the text should be, if you
know, and forward this information to me.
I may be reached as L.MCCLURE on GENIE, and as LMCCLURE on Delphi, and as
Lonnie McClure via the national ST Echo on Fidonet. Mail may me addressed
to user 72417,1573 on Compuserve. However, my visits to that service are
much less frequent than Delphi or GENIE.
Please note that an english translation of KDESKL.RSC was not provided.
As there is a very high probability that all text within as the same, I
decided to leave this until demand for such is determined, or at least
until a future date.
(1) There may be a bug within the 'Set Preferences' section. I have
noticed an annoying tendency for the settings to return to their
defaults, especially after returning from lauching a program.
(2) Selecting 'Off' for 'Corner Clock' does not remove the corner clock,
but appears to simply cease updating it.
(3) You may notice the KAOSDESK 'sizes to fit' within the windows.
Clicking on the horizontal scroll bar displays free space on the
selected drive.
(4) After editing and saving new icons, you may have wondered how to
assign them to specific programs, etc.. I suggest checking the file
NAMES.TXT in the folder \ICONEDIT with a text editor. It appears you
should run the program MKICONS.TOS (in the same folder) after making
any changes to NAMES.TXT.
(5) Some functions may not be readily apparent. (Anyone know what the
'Environment Variables' section is for, and how it is used)? These
are no doubt explained in KAOSDESK.TXT, which unfortunately remains
in German. Translating that is a somewhat larger task than what I
have accomplished here. I shall likely leave that body of text to
someone who reads both german and english, or until the arrival of
a machine translator with a larger vocabulary than GER2EN12.
(6) In the ICNEDIT.PRG, holding down the shift key while clicking on a
pixel will erase it. (NOTE: You cannot erase the program or data
icon outline that remains when an icon is erased).
(7) Under 'Define Hotkeys', if you set 'Print' to a program (i.e.,
D:\STWRTR\STRWR_41.PRG, when you drag a file to the printer icon,
that program will be loaded and ran, with the file you dragged
loaded into it.
NOTE: The following files were included in the original KAOSDESK archive.
If you do not have the original archive, I suggest you procure it, or an
archive I had uploaded along with this one which contains the files:
\ICONEDIT (folder)
\ICONS (folder)
*.ICP (several program icons)
*.ICD (several data icons)
Look for an english translation of the ICONEDIT.PRG for KAOSDesk, coming